Define strategies for production sequencing within a fashion undertaking, having as variables for decision making the following factors: time of production order by production stage, the percentage of usage of the productive unit, production cost per order production and by productive unit and delivery date.
Analysis of production cost of production and raw material consumption
Create strategies to estimate the company profitability with the use of Markup, i.e. compare comparing the production and raw material costs against the selling price for each product.
Analysis of production cost per productivity unit and fabric consumption.
Compare the sales price against production cost per productivity units and analysis the raw material losts during the productivity process.
Business Workshop (Fashion week)
Suggested Themes:
- Technical Specifications are crucial;
- Deciding when to produce internally or externally (outsourcing);
- Motion and Time at Apparel Industry;
- Labors Motivation and Rewards Techniques;
- Be a Entrepreneur at Fashin World, basics knowledges.
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