With the usage of Production Engineering at Internet environment. Providing more mobility, simplicity and information Access. The System run with concepto of SAAS (Sistem as a Service) (no software), that means, you only need the login and password and Will be connected to the production database from any device that has Internet connection.
O PracticalTex has a module that simulate the prodution and literally draws the production cells with theirs work dynamics even before start the production. Turns into a strategic tool for production performance avaliation.
- Outsourcing control, lauching production on the Internet, in other words, if an abroad outsourcing resource lauchs the production, you will have the online production situation at your tablet.
- Motion & Time concept to training the dressmakers – vídeos of production sewing method with YouTube style.
- Production capacity connected with purchase orders, forecasting the delivery date at the order lauching.
Production line leveling helping the supervisor to distribute the work load at every dressmaker to increase the productivity.
Because the goal is having the seamstresses working 100% of the time, but it is not mean working 100% of the time at the same sewing machine.
Since the entrepreneurs want the maximum of fully constructed clothes and don’t want a lot of parts, unfinished at sewing production line. The System calculates how each dressmaker should work together to get the maximum output.
Developing strategies for sequencing production within a new development of fashion, as variables for decision making the following factors while the manufacturing order for the production stage, percentage of use of the plant, the production cost of manufacturing order per unit production and delivery date.
PracticalTex draws the distribution of sewing machines within the production that is a tremendous tool for the supervisor to maximize the distribution of work among the seamstresses, with a focus on maximizing production taking into account the ability of each seamstress, this is possible with its artificial intelligence module, this resource is a strategic information tool design for your company.
PracticalTex has a module that simulates the production and literally draws the cells production with its dynamic work even before production began. What is a strategic tool for productive assessment.
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